l Endothelial progenitor cell derived exosomes provide an avenue for stroke therapy
作者: Yanfang Chen
单位: 美国莱特州立大学医学院
l The treatment strategy of the ductus arteriosus closure in preterm infants
作者: Baoquan Pan
单位: 澳门镜湖医院
l Prevalence of Congenital Heart Disease-What would be known for the study bias
作者: Youlian LIAO
单位: 美国疾病控制中心
l Disrupted the Angiotensin II degradation pathway Promotes Hypertensive Nephropathy
作者: Huiyao LAN
单位: HK
l Developing and evaluating HCN2 knockout mouse models for cardiac and neuronal research
作者: Nianqing Shi
单位: US
作者: Xiaokang Li
单位: 日本国立儿童成育研究所移植免疫实验室
l The application of OCT (optic coherence tomography) in the BRS (bio-era sortable stent) era
作者: Wen-Pin HUANG
单位: TW