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屈朔瑶:Transcription factor RBP-J-mediated signaling regulates Basophil’s immunoregulatory function in mouse asthma model PPT讲座视频 中华医学会呼吸病学年会-2017(第十八次全国呼吸病学学术会议)
标题: Transcription factor RBP-J-mediated signaling regulates Basophil’s immunoregulatory function in mouse asthma model
讲者: 屈朔瑶
单位: 空军军医大学西京医院
播放: 2300
论文摘要: Object:Basophils (BAs) play an important role in the promotion of aberrant Th2 immune response in asthma. It is not only the effective cell, but also modulates initiation of Th2 immune responses. We earlier demonstrated that Notch signaling regulates the biological function of BAs in vitro. However, whether this pathway plays the same role in vivo is not clear. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of Notch signaling on BA’s function in the regulation of allergic airway inflammation in a murine model of asthma.
Method: Bone marrow BAs were prepared by BM cell culture in the presence of rIL-3 (300 pg/mL) for 7 days, followed by isolation of the CD49b+ microbeads. The recombination signal binding protein J (RBP-J-/-) BAs were co-cultured with T cells, and the supernatant and the T cell subtypes were examined.
Results : It is indicated that disruption of the capacity of BAs for antigen presentation alongside an upregulation of the immunoregulatory function. This was possibly due to the low expression of OX40L in the RBP-J-/- BAs. BAs were adoptively transferred to OVA-sensitized recipient mice, to establish an asthma model. Lung pathology, cytokine profiles of BALF, airway hyperactivity, and the absolute number of Th1/Th2 cells in lungs were determined.
Conclusion: the RBP-J-mediated Notch signaling is critical for BA-dependent immunoregulation. Deficiency of RBP-J influences the immunoregulatory function of BAs, which include activation of T-cells and their differentiation into Th cell subtypes. Notch signaling pathway is a potential therapeutic target for BA-based immunotherapy against asthma.




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作者: 屈朔瑶

单位: 空军军医大学西京医院

来源: 第十四届中青年呼吸学者论坛


作者: 屈朔瑶

单位: 空军军医大学西京医院

来源: 中华医学会呼吸病学年会-2016(第十七次全国呼吸病学学术会议)


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单位: 中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心

来源: 中华医学会呼吸病学年会-2017(第十八次全国呼吸病学学术会议)

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单位: 江苏省人民医院(南京医科大学第一附属医院)

来源: 中华医学会呼吸病学年会-2017(第十八次全国呼吸病学学术会议)

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